Miss Magen Williams » Algebra 1 Classroom Information

Algebra 1 Classroom Information

Hello students and parents! (:
For this school year, I require a few things for my classroom. 
      1. A 2-inch 3-ring binder
      2. Paper
      3. $4 classroom fee
      4. Dividers
      5. Pencils
Classroom Rules:
  1. Make it to class and be on time
  2. Always pay attention to the teacher and ask questions if you don't understand
  3. Talk with respect to your teacher and classmates
  4. Hand in all your homework and do your best
"Algebra 1 consists of the general concepts of algebra. It introduces evaluating equations and inequalities, real numbers, and their properties, which include additive and multiplicative identities, inverse operations, and the distributive and commutative properties. In Algebra 1, we will also be introduced to the concept of polynomials."
         - CueMath - Algebra 1 explanation
Our Units are as followed:
  • Unit 1 - Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
  • Unit 2 - Functions and Relations
  • Unit 3 - Linear Functions
  • Unit 4 - Systems of Linear Equations
  • Unit 5 - Absolute Value
  • Unit 6 - Exponential Functions
  • Unit 7 - Polynomials and Factoring
  • Unit 8 - Quadratics
  • Unit 9 - Data Analysis
  • Unit 10 - EOC Review and Geometry Preparation 
Each unit has 5-8 lessons on average. Each lesson will have bellwork, notes, and a homework assignment usually in this order. There will be a place to turn in homework. Sometimes we will have an activity to complete in addition to the lesson. Throughout the unit, you will have quizzes and assessments. I will try to post in the calendar when assignments are due and when quizzes and assessments are.
You are graded as followed:
40% Assessments
30% Assignments
20% Quizzes
10% Other (daily grade, bellwork, notebook quiz, activity grade, etc.)
Attendance and Make-up Work:
BE IN CLASS! The student handbook states that make-up work is YOUR responsibility. All class assignments and notes will be kept in the class Notebook on OneNote. You must get any missed assignments from this notebook on your own time. I will put any extra copies on the student table in the classroom. You are expected to turn in missed assignments within five school days according to the student handbook. After the initial five days, for every school day it is still missing, 10% will be taken off the assignment. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you will be expected to turn it in the day you return to class. If you are absent on a day a test or quiz is given, you are expected to make it up your own time, either before or after school during NHS tutoring in the library or with me if I’m available. An alternate quiz or test will be given. When you are going to be out of class because of a school-related activity, you are expected to get your make-up work and take care of tests and quizzes before you miss class. Remember this work is your responsibility; I will not continually remind you of missed assignments.
Every student has 10 school days to turn in an assignment. However, 10% will be taken off for every one of those days.
Cell Phones:
You do not need your cell phone in class, so therefore, I do not want to see it. All devices must be put away where you will not get them out. We will be following the school cell phone policy with only 2 exceptions. For the first offense, you will be given a warning. For the second offense, your phone will be taken and given back at the end of class. After these two offenses, I will proceed with the school cell phone policy.
Contact Me: 
Students, if you have any questions outside the classroom, please feel free to either email me or message me on TEAMS chat. I will reply to either. I do not check my emails or messages once I leave school each day. I do not check them over the weekend either. On most school days I leave between 3:15 and 4:00. The best time to message or email me is between 7:45 and 3:15 on school days.
Parents, please email me with any questions or concerns you may have. The best time to email me is between 7:45 and 3:15 on school days as well.
This information will be given out on the first day of class. Students and parents/guardians will have to sign and return this back.