Room Cell Phone Policy
Any student of Mrs. McTigue will silence his/her phone prior to the late bell that announces the beginning of the class meeting. The student will place his/her phone(s) in the calculator storage pocked at the front of the room for the duration of the class period. If a student's phone is seen ANYWHERE else during class, the phone will be taken up. Zero Tolerance.
Bedford County PCD Consequences
- (1st Offense) Cell phone will be confiscated to be returned to the student at the end of the next school day or the parent /guardian may pick-up at the end of the day.
- (2nd Offense) Cell phone will be confiscated to be returned to the student at the end of the next school day or the parent/guardian may pick-up at the end of the day and student will be assigned 1 day of ISS.
- (3rd Offense) Cell phone will be confiscated and the parent/guardian may pick-up at the end of the day and student will be assigned 2 days of ISS.
- (4th Offense) Cell phone will be confiscated and the parent/guardian may pick-up at the end of the day and student will be assigned 3 days of ISS.
- (5th Offense) Cell phone will be confiscated and the parent/guardian may pick-up at the end of the day and student will be assigned 1 day of OSS.
Refusal to give up a cell phone will prompt the involvement of the SRO, could result in a court petition, and result in OSS.