Welcome to Dr. Bello’s homepage!!!


My name is Fidel Bello. I was born and raised in Mexico. Teaching has been my passion and vocation. I started teaching in 2010. I graduated from Universidad Vasco de Quiroga (Mexico), with a degree in Philosophy. I have two Masters: one in Education and Business Administration; few weeks ago, I just finished my Doctorate in Education. I currently teach Heritage Spanish and Spanish II. I like a relaxed and supportive classroom where the students learn Spanish, gain confidence, and receive the skills needed for the workplace, higher education, and employment. I have the most interesting job in the world. I learn from my students every day. There is nothing else I would rather be doing. 

Love, Teach, and Inspire... 



- BA. Philosophy - Universidad Vasco de Quiroga

- MS. Education - Universidad Montrer

- MBA. Bussiness Administration - Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo

- Doctorate Education - Universidad Santander 



- I started teaching in Instituto Valladolid as soon as I graduated in 2009. I taught there for many years. Later I worked in several universities: Universidad Vasco de Quiroga, Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo, Seminario Diocesano de Morelia, Seminario de los Misioneros de la Palabra, Universidad Durango, Franklin County High School, Lincoln County High School, and Shelbyville Central High School, where my teaching experience has been amazing since I got hired in Bedford County.  



Spanish II

1ST HALF OF SEMESTER  Senders 1 leccion 1 y 2 Hola, que tal?, will complete by end of first grading period.- (Teachers may use autonomy to add to these vocabulary themes and grammatical concepts). 
Topics:  Greetings, goodbyes, identifying yourelf and others, courtesy expressions, classroom and school life, fields of study and school subjects, days of the week, class schedules. 
Spanish Topics: Nouns, articles, gender, 0-30, present tense of ser, telling time, present tense of -ar verbs, forming questions, present tense of estar, 31 and higher.... 
French topics: Culture: 
Spanish topics: saludos y besos en los paises hispanos, en la escuela secundaria... 
Senderos 1 Leccion 5  las Vacaciones:
Vocabulario: travel and vacation, months of the year, seasons and weather, ordinal nubers.
Gramatica: estar with conditions and emotions, present progressive, ser and estar, direct object nouns and pronouns.
Cultura: las cataratas de Iguazu.
QUARTER 2: Combine concepts from Senderos 1- Leccion 6 and Senderos 2- Leccion 1 (teachers may use autonomy to add to these vocabulary themes and grammatical concepts).
Senderos 1- Leccion 6 DE COMPRAS
Vocabulario - clothing and shopping, negociate a price and buying, colors, more adjectives.
Gramatica: saber / cnocer. IOP, preterite tense of regular verbs, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.
Cultura: los mercados al aire libre.
Senderos 2 - Leccion 1 - La rutina diaria