National Honor Society
Please see the NHS bulletin board outside of Ms. House's room (107) and check Remind often for sign up sheets and information about upcoming events!!!!!!National Honor Society Officers
President - Addie Berry
Vice President - Vanessa Torres
Secretary - Krisha Patel
Treasurer - Joe Alvarez Basurto
Candidates who are eligible to become members of NHS go through the following process:
1. Grade check - each candidate must have a cumulative GPA of 90.0 or higher consisting of on-level or higher courses.
2. Behavior Check - each candidate must have successfully passed the administrative behavior check and have not been assigned OSS or ISS or have a pattern of behavior issues.
3. Notification of eligibility - once eligible candidates have passed both of these processes successfully, they are notified via school email to come to the sponsor's classroom to pick up a candidate packet. Announcements are made verbally on both SCHS campuses each school day for 2 weeks reminding candidates to check their school email or see the sponsor if they have any questions about their eligibility.
4. Students have 2 weeks to return these completed candidate packets either in person or via email to the sponsor. The deadline for returning the packet is printed on the last page of the candidate packet.
5. Membership rubrics filled out by NHS Faculty Council - once the packet return deadline has arrived, all packets turned in are given to our NHS Faculty Council who fills out a rubric for each candidate according to the information the candidates provide in their packet.
Please see below for the rubric our NHS Faculty Council uses to determine which candidates will be asked to join our NHS chapter.