Español II Assignments

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Una cancion original - lecturas

Las lecturas de Una cancion original. 


Practica de preterito - 12 de abril

Práctica del pretérito usando Conjuguemos

Go to the website and join your class period using the code
Go to Student Zone -> Assignments and complete the preterite practice with today's date. 


Práctica del pretérito usando Conjuguemos

Go to the website and join your class period using the code
Then complete the assignment. You will need to get at least 50% of the conjugations right. Pay attention as this will go up each time we play. 


vocabulario del pretérito

Copia la lista de vocabulario. 


Para empezar - el 22 y el 23 de marzo

In your Para Empezar file (which should be in your Spanish II folder and S2 in the name, and, yes, it's from February): 
Escribe la fecha y 3 oraciones contestando la pregunta...
¿Qué hiciste ayer?


La rutina diaria

Attached are 2 documents explaining the Daily Routine project. 
Proofreading for this project will not happen after 3pm on 5 March. 
This project is due 10 or 11 March. 


¡No voy a levantarme! - Sr. Wooly

We are going to be learning about verb conjugation, in particular about how to conjugate and use a specific type of verbs called reflexive verbs.
You will encounter these verbs in the Duolingo assignment and in the Sr. Wooly video, ¡No voy a levantarme!
You need to open and/or download the attached files. We will continue working with them.
No voy a levantarme - antes: Activities we will complete before (antes) going back to the video.
No voy a levantarme - mientras: Activities we will complete while (mientras) watching the video.
No voy a levantarme - después: Activities we well complete after (después) watching the video.
No voy a levantarme - lecturas 1: Simplified written versions of the story that we will read in class and for homework.


¡No voy a levantarme! - Sr. Wooly

We are going to be learning about verb conjugation, in particular about how to conjugate and use a specific type of verbs called reflexive verbs.
You will encounter these verbs in the Duolingo assignment and in the Sr. Wooly video, ¡No voy a levantarme!
You need to open and/or download the attached files. We will continue working with them.
No voy a levantarme - antes: Activities we will complete before (antes) going back to the video.
No voy a levantarme - mientras: Activities we will complete while (mientras) watching the video.
No voy a levantarme - lecturas 1: Simplified written versions of the story that we will read in class and for homework.


Para empezar

Go to
Join the Español II group with a username: Your first name and your last initial, then a username that I will recognize as you.
Create a video in which you say "hello" in one of the several ways that can be done in Spanish, then tell us your name.
To access this assignment in Flipgrid, go to
This is a trial run with Flipgrid so that we can all learn how to use it best. This needs to be done now.


Para empezar

Open the file "Me visto para leer.pdf" and read the story.
Create a file in your Spanish II folder in OneDrive and name it LastName, FirstName, #a - Para empezar S2.
Type the heading (first and last name; Español II - #a; Profe. McFarland). Do not put the date in the heading.
In the body of the document, put today's date.
Open the file "Me visto - preguntas.pdf". Choose one of the questions and type it and your answer in Spanish in the Para empezar file.
Note: Remember that you should be practicing your reading. Also, remember that the vocabulary test is Wednesday/Thursday this week.



Please remember that you need to email me through Outlook if you finish an assignment after I have put in grades for it.
I will not update your grade without your email to me. Please remember to put the assignment name in the subject line, then write a note to me in the body of the email that at least tells me what you have completed.


Rutina diaria - vocabulario

Para Empezar
Copia las palabras de vocabulario. (attached)


Duolingo - Pres Tense 1

As your "Para empezar," you need to complete all 4 of the lessons for level 1 of "Pres Tense 1" in Duolingo.
I could not make this an assignment within the system, but I get a weekly usage report and will use that to check your work and give you a grade. That means you need to be responsible for getting this done since there is nothing in the system to remind you.
You should work on this while I take attendance, which means you'll also need to pay attention so you are counted present.
You have until midnight next Wednesday (January 20) to complete these lessons.
It is your responsibility to complete the assignment on time. If you need to put a reminder in your phone, please do so now.
While I will accept late work, I will not replace 0s quickly since it takes more time to grade late work than it does for assignments completed on time. You should still send me an appropriate email (with a short item in the subject line, a greeting, your message, and a salutation) if you complete an assignment after I have put in grades, but you should not expect a speedy correction to you grade. You will lose 1% of the value of the assignment for each calendar day that it is late.


Duolingo - Routines

As your "Para hacer" at the beginning of class, you need to complete all of the lessons for level 1 of "Routines" in Duolingo.
You should work on this while I take attendance, which means you'll also need to pay attention so you are counted present.
You have until midnight next Monday (January 11) to complete these lessons. It is your responsibility to complete the assignment on time. If you need to put a reminder in your phone, please do so now.
While I will accept late work, I will not replace 0s quickly since it takes more time to grade late work than it does for assignments completed on time. You should still send me an appropriate email (with a short item in the subject line, a greeting, your message, and a salutation) if you complete an assignment after I have put in grades, but you should not expect a speedy correction to you grade. You will lose 1% of the value of the assignment for each calendar day that it is late.


Midterm - day 2

Midterm Day 2 is like Midterm Day 1 (and like the past 2 weeks) except for the specifics. There are 3 parts to your midterm. You may complete them in whatever order you wish (though I recommend starting with Enrique y Maria), but you need to work on and complete them during class time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me either verbally or through the meeting chat.
Enrique y Maria - capítulo 5
You need to read Chapter 5 of Enrique y Maria (attached below) and answer the questions in your Enrique y Maria word file as we have done in class.
Remember for the questions in Parte A, you need to answer in complete sentences using the questions to guide your answers; you do not need to type the questions.
In Parte B, you need to type the words in bold in #1 and then your response to each. In #2, type the word in bold and at least one of the words in italics and your response to each.
You need to double check spelling in and formatting of your file. You need to be sure to have completed both Parte A and Parte B for Chapters 1-5.
Please make sure your Enrique y Maria word file is in your Spanish II folder and that the folder is shared with me. If I can't access the file, I can't grade it.
You need to earn 20 additional points (XP) in Duolingo in whatever topic or topics you choose. This will make 40 points (XP) for the week.
Sr. Wooly - ¡No voy a levantarme!
I have made a new story available. You need to watch and listen to this video and complete Nugget 2 to 800 points (or as close as you can to 800). Remember 800 = 100%; 600 = 75%. Aim for the top.
After you finish with all 3 of these assignments, you need to complete any late work.
Have a wonderful break! Take care!


Midterm - day 1

There are 3 parts to your midterm. You may complete them in whatever order you wish, but you need to work on and complete them during class time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me either verbally or through the meeting chat.
Enrique y Maria - capítulo 4
You need to read Chapter 4 of Enrique y Maria (attached below) and answer the questions in your Enrique y Maria word file as we have done in class. Remember for the questions in Parte A, you need to answer in complete sentences using the questions to guide your answers; you do not need to type the questions). In Parte B, you need to type the words that are there and then the opposites of those words that you find in the text. Please make sure your Enrique y Maria word file is in your Spanish II folder and that the folder is shared with me. If I can't access the file, I can't grade it.
You need to earn 20 points in Duolingo in whatever topic or topics you choose.
Sr. Wooly - ¡No voy a levantarme!
I have made a new story available. You need to watch and listen to this video and complete Nugget 1 to 800 points (or as close as you can to 800). Remember 800 = 100%; 600 = 75%. Aim for the top.


LIbritos de los colores

Aquí hay todos los libritos de los colores que hemos leído en la clase. Cuando leemos un librito de un color en la clase, Uds. pueden encontrarlo aquí. 


Enrique y María 1-5

Uds. necesitan leer las lecturas de Enrique y María y contestar las preguntas que siguen.
1. Creen (create) un documento de Word con el título: LastName, FirstName, Hora - Enrique y María.
2. Escuchen la lectura y sigue (follow) el texto. 
3. En parejas, lean en voz alta la lectura otra vez.
4. En parejas o solo/a, contesten las preguntas en oraciones completos en el documento de Word.
Parte del examen de mediosemestre va a venir de las lecturas.


El proyecto de la ropa, Paso 3

El proyecto de la ropa


Puedo hablar y escribir de la ropa. (I can talk and write about clothing.)

Tercero:                                             El proyecto

Usa las listas de ropa para ti mismo/a y para otra persona para escribir párrafos cortos. Vas a juntar los párrafos con fotos o dibujos de ti y de la otra persona llevando la ropa mencionada.

 Normalmente llevo una camiseta azul y pantalones grises con un cinturón negro. También llevo calcetines y zapatos grises. Cuando hace fresco, llevo una chaqueta azul, a veces con guantes rayados.

 Para ir a la iglesia o a una boda, llevo pantalones, zapatos y calcetines negros. Usualmente llevo una blusa blanca o azul. A veces llevo un chaleco o una chaqueta, depende del tiempo. Si hace mucho frío, también tengo un abrigo largo y negro para llevar.

 Cuando mi papá va a una reunión, él lleva un traje oscuro con una camisa y una corbata que hacen juego. También lleva zapatos, calcetines y un cinturón. Pero cuando él va de jogging, lleva pantalones cortos y una camiseta, todos viejos y feos, con sus zapatos de jogging.

 Después, hace comparaciones entre 3 pares de cosas.  

 Estos botones son más grandes que esos.

 Este abrigo es más largo que los otros.

 Estos jeans son más completo que los con agujeros.



El proyecto de la ropa, Paso 2

Empezamos el proyecto de la ropa. (We are starting the Clothing Project.)



Puedo hablar y escribir de la ropa. (I can talk and write about clothing.)

*Puedo nombrar las prendas. (I can name articles of clothing.)
*Puedo describir la ropa. (I can describe clothing.)
*Puedo comparar 2 cosas, diciendo lo que es más (o menos) que otra cosa. (I can compare 2 things, saying that one is more - or less - than another thing.)
*Entiendo lo que es ropa apropiada para circunstancias diferentes y en culturas diferentes. (I understand what clothing is appropriate in different circumstances and cultures.)


Segundo:                                           El proyecto

Escribe una lista de la ropa que llevas normalmente.

Escribe una lista de la ropa que llevas para una ocasión más formal o especial.

Piensa en 1 persona que lleva ropa diferente que tú y escribe una lista de la ropa de esta persona.
Añade (add) adjetivos para describir la ropa.


Normalmente, llevo…



Para las ocasiones formales o especiales, llevo…



[Otra persona] lleva…







El proyecto de la ropa, Paso 1

Empezamos el proyecto de la ropa. (We are starting the Clothing Project.)


Puedo hablar y escribir de la ropa. (I can talk and write about clothing.)

*Puedo nombrar las prendas. (I can name articles of clothing.)
*Puedo describir la ropa. (I can describe clothing.)
*Puedo comparar 2 cosas, diciendo lo que es más (o menos) que otra cosa. (I can compare 2 things, saying that one is more - or less - than another thing.)
*Entiendo lo que es ropa apropiada para circunstancias diferentes y en culturas diferentes. (I understand what clothing is appropriate in different circumstances and cultures.)
Abre el documento abajo para las instrucciones de formatear tu documento. 


las listas de la ropa

The vocabulary lists are above. The first one (lista - la ropa) has the 30 words you need to learn for the test. The earliest we will have that test is Thursday/Friday, October 29/30. 
The second list are extra words that might be useful as we start our Clothing Project. 


el 27 al 30 de octubre

Lee el librito Negro y di (tell) lo que llevas que es negro. 
Lee el librito Blanco y di lo que llevas que es blanco. 


Empezamos con la ropa

Queridos estudiantes 


We are starting a new unit on clothing. I have several assignments for you to do Monday through Thursday. You need to do as much as you can on each and have questions for me when I am back.  


  • Libritos 

There are 2 libritos attached to this assignment that you need to open and read. Read each one once, then read them each again, making a list of articles of clothing in Spanish, with English translations when possible. The books are Fido se viste and Mi clóset 


  • Sr. Wooly 

You need to watch the Sr. Wooly videos Billy la bufanda and Billy y las botas.  

*Billy la bufanda: It looks like you have done all the nuggets if you had Ms. Belden last year. Go back and get as close to 800 points for each as possible. If you were not here last year, you need to complete nugget 1 to 800 points.  

*Billy y las botas: You need to complete nuggets 1-4 to 800 points.  

*Remember to add to the list of articles of clothing.  


  • Duolingo: 

You need to complete Level 1 (4 lessons) for Shopping (after the first Family) and Fashion (between Family 2 and Household).  

* Continue to add to the list of articles of clothing. 


  • Coloring sheets 

I have left some Días de los muertos coloring sheets for you. This is so that you can have a brain break when you need it, but don’t neglect your work.  


Mi casa - adjetivos y otras palabras

I have attached the file we created in all of the classes with adjectives and other useful words for you to refer to as you complete your house project. 


El proyecto de la casa

El proyecto de la casa

Necesitas completar un proyecto describiendo una casa y las personas que viven allí.

Primer paso

Piensa en una casa. Puede ser la casa en la que vives; puede ser una casa del árbol; puede ser una casa de tus sueños. Necesita ser una casa que puedes representar bien con fotos, dibujos o una planta y que puedes describir con el vocabulario y la gramática que ya sabes con poco ayuda de

Segundo paso

Necesitas escribir 2-3 párrafos con, por lo menos, 12 frases en total. Porque son párrafos y no solamente frases desconectadas, tú necesitas escribirlas con un orden lógico, con un comienzo, una progresión por la casa y las personas que viven allí, y una conclusión.

Tercer paso

Usa el PowerPoint o habla conmigo para pedir (ask for) permiso de usar otra plataforma (con visuales y frases al mismo tiempo). Necesitas una diapositiva (slide) para el título y, después, no más que 12 diapositivas y no menos de 6 (7-13 diapositivas en total).

Verbos importantes

estar – used for location, where a room is in relation to another, where a person is

ser – used for description

hay – there is, there are (e.g., There are 2 bedrooms in the house. Hay 2 dormitorios en la casa.)

vivir – to live

Más instrucciones

You will use your new Word document as a working draft for the sentences. Write in Spanish first and keep your sentences simple. Use the vocabulary list from this week and last along with the adjectives we brainstorm in class. Keep your use of to a minimum but feel free to use the review document from before break if you need help conjugating verbs.

Due dates

Rough drafts must be shared with me by the end of class on September 28 and 29. I will proofread through the week. Although we will have other work next week, I will be happy to look at final PowerPoint presentations September 30 and October 1 but will only note minor corrections. You should also use these days to practice your presentation, especially pronunciation. If you are ready, you may present early for extra credit October 2 and 5, and the regular due dates are October 6 and 7 (extra credit for volunteering).



60 points – 5 points possible for each sentence – points will be deducted for incorrect spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar

24 points – 2 points possible for the visuals that correspond to each sentence

16 points possible for the oral presentation – half of these points are for pronunciation, the other half for a well-done presentation in general. That means you need to practice reading your sentences so that the presentation is smooth and your pronunciation is reasonable.

(Note: You MUST do the oral presentation to receive any credit for the assignment, that is, you can’t just do the written part and not the oral presentation.)

100 points total



If you need a translation of the description, below is a translation.




The house project

You need to complete a project describing a house and the people who live there.

Think of a house. It may be the house you live in; it can be a tree house; it can be a house of your dreams. It needs to be a house that you can represent well with photos, drawings or a floor plan and that you can describe with the vocabulary and grammar that you already know with little help from

You need to write2-3 paragraphs with at least 12 sentences in total. Use PowerPoint or talk to me to ask for permission to use another platform (with visuals and phrases at the same time). You need a slide for the title, and then no more than 12 slides and no less than 6 (7-13 slides in total).

Because they are paragraphs and not just disconnected phrases, you need to write them in a logical order, with a beginning, a progression through the house and the people who live there, and a conclusion.


El proyecto de la casa, Paso 1

Empezamos el proyecto de la casa. Hay varios pasos y cada uno va a ganarte puntos. (We are starting the House Project. There are several steps and each one will earn points.)
Asegura que tengas un folder "Spanish II" o "Español II" y que lo hayas compartido conmigo. (Make sure that you have a folder "Spanish II" o "Español II" and that you have shared it with me.)
En OneDrive, abre este folder y crea un documento nuevo por hacer clic en "New." (In OneDrive, open this folder and create a new document by clicking "New.")
Nombra el documento nuevo según las instrucciones anteriores (Name the new document according to the previous instructions):
Apellido, Nombre, hora - Mi casa
(por ejemplo, McFarland, Gayle, 1a - Mi casa)
y también formatéalo según las instrucciones anteriores (and also format it according to the previous instructions):
Times New Roman, 12 pt.
1 inch margins
heading, aligned right and single-spaced (please do not use the Header function) and including
     Nombre Apellido
     Español II - ___ hora
     Profe. McFarland
     la fecha
body, aligned left and double-spaced
Es muy importante que uses la puntuación y las mayúsculas correctamente, por lo menos, según las reglas de inglés. (It is very important that you use punctuation and capitalization correctly, at least following the rules of English.) No voy a mencionar estas cosas más de una vez en tu tarea, pero cada vez te cuesta un punto en el proyecto final. (I'm not going to mention these more than once in your work, but each mistake on these in the final project costs you a point.)
When I proofread your work, I will give you a grade for having done what is expected. If you do not follow these instructions correctly, it will cost you points. 
Necesitas más palabras para hablar de tu casa. Copia el vocabulario:



alrededor de

cerca de

lejos de

delante de

detrás de



fuera de

al lado de


a la derecha de

a la izquierda de

¿De qué color es?

También necesitas pensar en adjetivos para describir tu casa. 


Repasamos y seguimos

Join the Teams meeting. 
1. We need to finish any presentations that have not been done. 
2. Read "Fantásticas casas del árbol." (It's uploaded to the assignment dated 15 Sep.)
3. You have 2 new assignments in Duolingo. Most of you aren't doing Duolingo regularly and didn't complete the previous assignment. These DO count as grades. 
4. One last time: Expectations for Sr. Wooly
     Complete the nugget assigned. I will generally assign 1 nugget at a time for a video. If you completed that nugget last year, you need to complete the next one. 
     You need to earn all 800 points to get full credit on the assignment. It's your choice to do less, but your grade will reflect it. 
     If you have a problem getting to 800 on a nugget, you need to EMAIL me with details: name of video, number of nugget, name of activity, some explanation of the problem. 
     If you still don't have an account (we did this the first week of school), you need to transfer your account from Ms. Belden to me. You'll need an activation code for your class. EMAIL me to ask for it, unless I specifically tell you to get in touch with me another way. 
5. If you miss class, you should check this webpage for assignments. For the most part, anything I've assigned is explained here or in documents that you can find here. 


El proyecto de la familia

Join the Teams meeting and then work on your project. I will call people to go over sentences or final project, but each person only has about 2 minutes, so come with your most pressing questions ready. If you are not finished with your project, but are waiting for me, then you can have a classmate check your sentences or you can complete the file that should have been completed the week before Horse Show Break. It may also help you correct your own sentences before I look at them so that your time with me will be more productive. 
If you are finished with your project, you have 4 Señor Wooly nuggets to complete by Friday at 3:00pm. You must complete ONE more nugget than you completed last year for each song. (For example, if you completed nuggets 1-5 for Los Quehaceres last year, then you need to complete nugget 6 by Friday.) You must complete all 800 points or write me an email explaining exactly where you are having trouble. 
Join the Teams meeting and then prepare for your presentation. You will be presenting through Teams to your classmates. 
When we finish with presentations, you will need to finish your Señor Wooly nuggets.
NOTE: Keep in mind that if you have time to be disruptive, it means you don't have enough to do. I will assign more nuggets as needed. 


La casa, Parte 1

Abre el librito "Mi casa" y léelo. 

Después, copia la lista de vocabulario en español y traduce las palabras a inglés. 

la casa

el apartamento



la cocina

el comedor

el cuarto

el cuarto de baño

el dormitorio

el edificio

la entrada

la escalera

el garaje

el jardín

el pasillo

el patio

la planta baja

la puerta

la sala


Tareas - Español II, 24-28 de agosto

You need to download the attached file and save it to your OneDrive. 
Your document title should be:       Apellido, hora - Tareas, 24-28 de agosto
You also need to create a folder in your OneDrive called: Spanish II or Español II. Please share this folder with me and save all of your classwork in it. 


Más de mi familia

miércoles, el 19 de agosto del 2020

La campana

Abre un documento nuevo en Word.

Escribe (copia) las frases de los miembros de tu familia que escribiste antes en una hoja de papel. Después, escribe una frase más para todos los miembros de tu familia. Usa verbos para describir lo que hacen ellos. Presta atención a las conjugaciones de los verbos.

1ª hora – Hoy solamente necesitan escribir frases para 3 miembros de tu familia.


El formato de tus documentos:

En la esquina arriba a la derecha, escribe tu nombre y apellido, tu clase y hora, Profesora McFarland, la fecha.

Por ejemplo,

Gayle McFarland

Español II – 1ª hora

Profe. McFarland

el 19 de agosto del 2020


Para tu documento, usa la fuente Times New Roman, tamaño 12 pt. También usa el espacio doblado para el documente, pero el espacio simple para el “heading.”


Para nombrar tu documento:

Apellido, hora – título.doc

Por ejemplo,

McFarland, 1a – Mi familia.doc


Guarda tu documento en OneDrive y compártelo conmigo.


* Libritos de antes

* Duolingo



Más palabras

Copia las palabras en español. Vamos a traducirlas a inglés. 

ir a

pasar tiempo




¿quién?  ¿quiénes?


Las conjugaciones de los verbos ir y tener son irregulares, que dice que no siguen el modelo regular y que tenemos que memorizar su conjugación.

(You are only responsible for knowing the Indicative - Present at this time.)


Próxima prueba de vocabulario:

          1a, 2a y 7a horas - viernes, el 28 de agosto

          3a y 8a horas - miércoles, el 26 de agosto

You need to be able to use the old words easily in Spanish (spelled correctly). You need to be able to recognize the new words.  




Mi familia

Abre el librito "Mi familia" y léelo. 
Después, copia la lista de vocabulario en español y traduce las palabras a inglés. 

la familia

el/la hijo/a

la madre


el padre


el/la hermano/a

el/la hermanastro/a

el/la esposo/a

el/la abuelo/a

el/la tío/a

el/la primo/a

el/la novio/a


Por fin, haga una lista de los miembros de tu familia con sus nombres. 
Por ejemplo: madre - Mi madre se llama Alma. 
Prueba de vocabulario: 
1°, 3° y 8° horas - miércoles, el 12 de agosto
2° y 7° horas - viernes, el 14 de agosto


Mi familia

Saca tu lista de miembros de tu familia. Léela a ti mismo/a y prepárate para leer unas frases a la clase en voz alta. 
[Compartimos nuestras frases en voz alta.]
Abre el librito "Familias" y léelo a ti mismo/a. Es un poco más difícil que el primer libro y es posible que no comprendas todo. 
Leemos "Familias" como clase y hablar de lo que no comprendemos. 
Tarea -- Estudia para la prueba de vocabulario (español --> inglés). 


Bienvenidos y expectaciones 2020

You need to download this letter, add the codes specific for your class, and save it to your OneDrive for reference.