Gina Jones » About Me

About Me

I am a 2001 graduate of Mississippi State University where I earned a degree in Elementary Education with add-ons in English, science and special education. I later earned my masters from Mississippi College, and am currently working on my specialist in reading. I taught for 20 years in MS, mostly as a high school English teacher. I have taught all ELA classes 7th-11th grades, along with some senior elective courses like Creative Writing and Mississippi Writers. I have two children. Ty is 24 and went to culinary school. He currently cooks in a restaurant in our home town. He is handy to have around when I'm hungry. My daughter, Kendall, is 26. She was almost finished at Mississippi State with a degree in Teaching/Coaching, but then decided that's not what she wanted to do. She is now about to start nursing school. She is also great to have around, but not necessarily for her cooking abilities although she is getting better.
I moved to Shelbyville in February of 2022. Once here I began teaching 7th grade ELA at Liberty School. I loved Liberty, but am more comfortable teaching older students so I came to Central where I currently teach English II.